Photojournalism is similar to documentary photography in that it captures an exact moment on film or digital imaging with no apologies.
Photojournalism is a means by which everyday events of people's lives are documented for presentation to other people in order to educate them. Photojournalism is designed to convey the things that are meaningful or traumatic in other people's lives, a way to communicate without editing emotion and opinion.
Photojournalism, through the written word and images, describes in detail the opinions of individuals from other economic stations and cultural background. It emphasizes the similarities and the differences of people.
Over the years photojournalism has changed from a serious news and education format to including the lifestyle of rich and famous celebrities. The medium has also changed in that color photography is frequently used where a format of black and white had been the only option before. Photojournalism has become less serious and more amiable with the bright colors used successfully to illustrate the multi dimensional and at times shallow aspect of celebrity life.