Nude Photography
Nude Photography
Nude photography is the photographing of an unclothed person. Nude, or form photography, is considered an art form and non-pornographic. It usually involves one person, male or female, in an environment that is private or public
Nude photography isn't easy. A number of photography skills need to be mastered in order to accomplish a successful photography shoot. Lighting, guidance and comfort of subject, exposure, focusing and portraiture technique are essential for nude photography.
Nude photographers focus on the figure as art. The unclothed body is a study in the human condition, the shapes of different people and the power and simultaneous vulnerability that the body possesses.
Nude photography is morphed into different areas over the years. The way a nude is portrayed has more to do with the photographer's view on nudity and his client's agreement to it, whereas nudity portrayed in fine art from decades past was represented as something to be shocked by but revered; it possessed a boldness that crossed lines and required an homage as well. In this modern age nude photography is a step for a person to become empowered by their nudity and it is certainly less shocking but still can be artistic.
When looking for a nude photographer credentials must be proven. How many years shooting nude photography, if the photographer studied with another photographer, his or her theory on nudity and certainly find out the photographers thoughts on who owns the negatives and copyright. A model release must be signed before the photo shoot. All items to be performed should be included on the contract between the photographer and his client. Specifics of rights to showing the prints, whether or not the model's face will be shown, desired poses of the model, and of course full names and addresses of all parties involved.